Seafile Features

Cross Platform File Syncing
Seafile organize files into libraries. Each library can be synced into any desktop computer, including Windows, Mac and Linux. User can also selectively sync any folder. Seafile provides very fast file syncing. Tens of thousands of small files can be synced in a minute.

Mobile File Access
Access files via Seafile mobile clients.
Both Android and iOS are supported.
Cached files can be used offline without the network environment. Users can also backup photos via the mobile clients.

Seafile Drive client:a new nice way to work with your files
Seafile Drive client let users to extend the local disk space with the massive storage capacity on the Seafile server by mapping storage space on Seafile server as a virtual drive. User can access all files in Seafile immediately, without syncing them. Files can be used offline too.

Knowledge Management
Users can save Wiki documents in Markdown format directly inside a library. Other types of files can be saved alongside Wiki documents in a library. Such organic combination of Wiki and Cloud Storage removes the limitation on attachment size in traditional Wiki systems. Wiki documents can be conveniently edited in web browser with a WYSIWYG Markdown editor. Full-text search, file tagging, related documents, document review features are included to make knowledge management very efficient.

File Versioning and Snapshot
Seafile keeps versions for files and snapshots for folders. Users can restore a file or folder to an old version easily. Snapshot for folders is a handy way to protect files against ransomware. Using de-duplication technology, file versions are kept in an efficient way with reduced storage occupation.

File locking
Seafile supports file locking to prevent concurrent editing of files and generating of conflicts files. Users can lock files in web UI or desktop clients. Office files are automatically locked when they’re opened.

Online editing and co-authoring
Seafile supports online editing and co-authoring for office files (including docx/pptx/xlsx) with integrating with Microsoft Office Online Server, OnlyOffice, or Collabora Online server. Seafile also has a built-in preview for videos, audios, PDFs, images and text files.

Audit Log
Seafile has following logs to help you monitoring your system:
- Login log: Users'login log
- Traffic log: Recording how much traffic is generated via sharing link for each user
- Access log: file access log via syncing clients, mobiles clients and Web interface
- Edit log: file editing/modification log
- Permission log: logs for file access permission changes

File Sharing and Permission Control
Libraries and folders can be shared to users or groups, with read-only or read-write permissions. Finer-grained permissions can be set to sub-folders after a folder is shared. Files can be shared to external users via sharing links. Sharing links can be protected by passwords and support setting an expiration date.