
6.3 (2018/04)

  • Web UI improvement
  • File labels improvement
  • File comments improvement
  • Support Redis as cache server
  • Update included jQuery library

Long term

  • Ability to watch folders to get notification when file added/deleted/modified

Seafile versioning

Seafile server uses three version numbers, like v4.3.1, to identify each release. The first major number is increased when there are significant jumps in functionality. The second minor number is incremented when only minor features or significant fixes have been added, and the third revision number is incremented when minor bugs or security issues are fixed.

We release a new major version once per year. We release a minor version in about 3 months.

A new minor version may contain config changes and we will document them carefully in the release note and changelog. When you upgrade from an old minor version to a new one, you should read changelog carefully.

A new minor version will be marked as beta for about 2 weeks. When no important bugs are found, we will remove the beta mark and consider it as production ready.

A new minor version of pro edition will be released after the corresponding community edition is production ready. And it will be marked as beta for 2 weeks. It will be tested on our online server When no important bugs are found, we will remove the beta mark and consider it as production ready.

Before a new minor version becomes production ready, the old minor version will be maintained with important bug fixes and security fixes. When a new minor version is production ready, the old minor version is considered to be retired. And users are recommended to update to the new minor version.

For major version, the procedure is similar, only more beta time will be given.